Friday, August 22, 2008

Sad Day

Yesterday was a sad day. Dan took Nana to the vet and we found out that she has heart worms which can be very serious and very expensive to fix. Also, I scratched my car in the parking garage at work and that will probably cost a lot to fix too.


kevin said...

that sucks laura. i'm sorry to hear about nana...i hope she gets better soon. also, i assume that the scratch to your car was your fault due to the fact that you are a girl.

turbo2oh said...

arent they supposed to check her for those at the kennel??

Laura said...

They did check for heart worms but it can take 4 weeks before it can be detected. I'm assuming that is what happened and they didn't pull anything sketchy.

Also, the car thing was my fault but the parking garage is really small. If girls are such bad drivers, then why is their insurance lower?

Dan said...

if girls are better drivers how come danica patrick is so hot... er... i mean hasn't wont any races yet?

kevin said...

danica patrick is not hot

david said...

i'd bone danica patrick