Tuesday, August 19, 2008

meeting with the pastor

Yesterday Dan and I both took off work and did a lot of tcbing (taking care of business). We have so many errands to run these days since he is moving in, getting his place ready to sell and we are planning the wedding.

Well, yesterday was perhaps the scariest day of all, we had to meet with the pastor. I was really nervous because I haven't been to church in about 7 years and Dan is an avid aethiest. I kept telling him that he wasn't to speak if at all possible. I thought about trying to get him to lie to the pastor and tell him he believed in God but it seemed kind of wrong to lie to a pastor.

Well, you would think things would have started out easily enough when the pastor started asking questions to fill in general paper work... "what's your name, what's your birthday, what's your address?" We answered somewhat honestly and said Dan is in the process of moving in. I feel like such a sinner! Dan also answered honestly about not having a religion.

He was apparently very comfortable with this and decided to take advantage of the free counseling. Dan proceeded to complain to my pastor about my cooking, my cleaning, and my standards of cleanliness among other things. I was pretty much just frozen in fear the entire time.

Well, it is over and I think it went okay. The pastor was very nice and he didn't try to convince us to not get married or anything like that.

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