Sunday, August 17, 2008

Review - 10,000 B.C.

Dan and I just watch 10,000 B.C. and I have to agree with the critics, it wasn't very good. However, I do enjoy some of those movies that are so bad, they are kind of good. You know the kind... they get played on the SciFi channel.

Well, there were a couple scenes in this movie that I thought could put this movie in that category. Dan got my hopes up in the middle of the movie by predicting that a caveman would ride a sabertooth tiger. This glorious event would have given the movie at least a 3 star rating in my books but alas, it was not to be.

I am watching cabin fever on the SciFi channel right now so maybe this will make up for the crappiness of 10,000 B.C.


kevin said...

first off....i still can't believe you stole my phrase...and yes, that was MY phrase that i developed in a dream on our florida road trip (remember?) as a universal answer to any bad news. also, you didn't even get the correct phrasing as it is actually "that's just the way it's gotta be sometimes"

anyways, regardless of your thievery, i am glad you are blogging and providing me with something else to read at work.

kevin said...

hmm..i also realize that you are using the same blogger theme as me...quit copying me

Laura said...

No I'm not.