Tuesday, October 21, 2008

thanks for the memories kevin

This video could be the death of me but who could resist! Hopefully Kevin will be mature enough to let this go.

For those of you who don't already know, in 1997, while on a road trip, Kevin smacked me in the face with a sweet dance move. I was really annoyed. To make matters worse, he later got me with the reverse. What is the reverse? Dave was on one side of Kevin, while I was on the other side, anoxiously waiting to see Dave get hit in the face. While I was watching with glee, Kevin reversed the move and got me good. He then tried for a third time but that was a bit too much. So, if you are keeping score, it was Kevin 2, Laura 0. I almost got him back in 1999 but I got too excited and a giggle fit gave me away.

So, as you can see, I got Kevin back on my wedding day at the Green turtle. He is technically still up which will hopefully go some way in calming his oncoming wrath.


turbo2oh said...

HAHAHAHA best video ever!!

Unknown said...

Well I dunno where you got this video. But the editing is top notch.

Tobin said...

Oh SNAP. That video makes me so happy. Now I want to get on the slap Kevin bandwagon too.

david said...


Dan said...

well kevin did say that he wanted people to blog more. "i crave things to read at work, even better if it's something written by someone i know...and even greater if my name is mentioned in it."

kevin said...

well done laura. just know that this is not over. it may take another 10 years, but my revenge will be far sweeter.

neumunki said...

Oh man, Laura has dethroned the King of Asses. I agree with Tobin. Let's all start slappin' Kevin.

Anonymous said...

This makes Laura Grand Duchess of Assness, right? Perhaps President or Vice President?


Jess said...

After all the hype, I'm glad to finally see this video.

In all my years as a dancer, I have tragically never learned this move. One could argue that ballet teachers should dispense with the pirouetting and such and focus more on the real-world applications of dance...such as violently assaulting your friends...

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to see the actually event (cause I was drunk), so I'm glad its preserved in super slow-mo reverse etc
love, Nick