Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Poll! Dan's TV Viewing.

I set up a poll last week which took forever to figure out and only one person voted. I am going to try another poll this week. It is at the bottom of the page.

The question for the poll was "what did Steve do to change his appearance in some way that would be displeasing to our parents?". The answer... "grow new facial hair". He has some new beard that is only chin hair, I haven't seen it but he adequately prepared my parents and they don't seem to mind.

The poll I am trying this week is to let people guess Dan's secret TV viewing indulgence. Some of you may know that Dan and I frequently disagree on what shows to watch on TV but there is one show that Dan enjoys that may surprise you. Can you guess the show?


turbo2oh said...

so what show was it??

Laura said...

Desperate Housewives!