Thursday, October 9, 2008

No Crazy Cat Lady Here! I'm Married!

Yeah! That's right, I'm married.

I'll keep this post brief because there have been some other fabulous blogs about the "Laura and Dan Wedding". We are a popular topic. Thanks Dan and Kevin!

The wedding was fast and flew by but it was great seeing everyone. Here are a few memorable moments...

1. Groomsmen singing along to our first dance
2. Having extreme emotions during our vows (I alternated between crying and giggling)
3. Dan taking a shot immediately after we walked down the aisle
4. Some compliments on my awesome font choices
5. Lots of people mistakingly thinking I was now "Mrs. Robinson" (sorry folks, I am keeping my last name)

Now I plan on finding new ways of spending my free time other then "wedding planning".

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