Thursday, September 18, 2008

Predictions about Dan's Bachelor Party

I just thought I would put these up here so I can amaze everyone when I am dead on...

- people will get hung over on Friday night and not be too interested in driving on Saturday
- people will get hung over on Saturday and hate driving back Sunday
- someone will get a speeding ticket
- less than 10 words will be spoken to women
- Steve will be late


Dan said...

- people were hungover saturday morning but we went driving anyway.

- people were hungover sunday morning, but drove home anyway. the waffle house possibly did more damage than any of the alcohol from the previous night.

- someone got pulled over, but only got a warning. i was not in the car, but i suspect it was in fact for driving too *slow*.

- 0 words were spoken to women.

- steve was late.

david said...

dan, we did give the waitress our orders, so we talked to her a little.. and NO i got a warning for a SPEEDING ticket, not one for driving too slow, smart guy.