Thursday, August 28, 2008

the telecommuter

There are some interesting people that I see on a regular basis. Many of these people I have never even talked to and they may not even know I exist. Regardless, these people have been inspirational and amusing to me.

I would like for you to meet one of these people today, "the telecommuter". I see him everyday outside of several co-workers office windows. No one knows exactly what he does for a living but here are the clues we have pieced together...

- wakes up around 9

- sits outside on his computer between 9:15-10:30ish

- likes to look at his muscles

- chain smokes

- had a telescope on his porch (not there now)

- lives in a condo worth approximately $500k

- doesn't seem to leave his condo for any work

What does he do? How can he afford such a home if he never goes to work? Is he a day trader? A drug dealer? A trustfund kid?

Today I risked my dignity to bring you a photo. He once looked over my way as a couple of us were peering at him and I jumped behind a desk which undoubtably looked ridiculous. Perhaps tomorrow, I can introduce you to the patriot.


turbo2oh said...

haha glad to know you guys are keeping our country safe!

kevin said...

i didn't know you were so nosey laura. including the pic was key to this post. i bet he operates a porn site.

neumunki said...

i'll bet the porn site is just voyeuristic photos of your office that caters to people who have a white collar nerd fetish.